Igor Barcic: We should show to our children advantages of Russia

March 20, 2019


Director of IPACS Igor Barcic gave an interview to the newspaper «Sobesednik» (Interlocutor) in which he spoke on the content of a new IPACS program «Producing and cultural policy».

On the next academic year a the faculty of journalism of the Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service of RANEPA ssrs education in several new directions.

One of them – «Producing and cultural policy» was described to «Sobesednik» by director of the Institute Doctor of Law professor Igor Barcic. In the present day world specializations become more and more narrow. A student should not become simply lawyer, economist or specialist in administration in a general sense. He should obtain very  concrete knowledge and competence. But at the same time a young specialist should be ready in his future professional life to change a type of work and to be able to solve new problems. This situation represent a challenge for all leading universities and they try to react on rapid dynamics of social and economic processes. Educational system should forcast the new social needs in 5–10–15… years, not loosing the classical basis of education which should remain conservative in a positive sense.

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