Master’s degree

38.04.04. State and municipal administration


Interstate cooperation (with advanced study of a foreign language)



Advanced study of foreign languages

The program ‘Interstate cooperation (with advanced study of a foreign language)’ focuses on training of advanced specialists who are able to manage effective interstate cooperation of different partnership directions.

A graduate receives knowledge in the field of state and municipal administration and, moreover, complex training in such areas as international law, foreign policy, foreign economic activity, international trade, international marketing, international projects, geopolitics, national security, skills assessment of political personalities, formation of an international image, international negotiations.

The program is an experimental platform for the study of trends in the development of public administration systems in different countries, analysis of best practices, regulatory mechanisms, models of interstate interaction. Students participate in research, development of analytical documents and proposals for public authorities, the Committee of Experts on Public Administration of the UN Economic and Social Council.

Entrance examination: a written exam in the form of testing in the principal subject on the basis of 100- point scale.

An example of the written exam


Competences and advantages

  • Our main competitive advantage – deep scientific and theoretical training for solving practical problems, the development of intellectual and creative potential and strategic thinking of students
  • Guarantee of internship places
  • High competitiveness of graduates

Our partners

 In Spain:

  • Universitat de Valencia
  • La Universidad de Almería
  • Universidad Complutense de Madrid
  • Universidad Autonoma de Madrid
  • Universidad Carlos III de Madrid
  • La Universidad de Salamanca
  • Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona

In Germany: Munich Business School

In Italy: Università degli Studi di Torino

In France:

  • Sciences Po Aix (l’Institut d’Etudes Politiques d’Aix-en-Provence)
  • l’Universite Nice Sophia Antipolis
  • l’Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense

In the USA: Webster University

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