IPACS International Division invites students to join the Green Initiative project of the European Business Association

February 8, 2022

Today, environmental issues are very acute on the world agenda and are a global challenge of our time for all mankind. Political figures and heads of international organizations call for joining the fight against environmental threats.

IPACS students also actively support initiatives on environmental issues. Already today, the Russian-Italian Center of IPACS and IPACS InterClub students, together with the Forum-dialogo italo-russo della società civile are actively working on projects related to the “Green Initiative”.


We invite you to join one of the Green Initiative projects by the Association of European Businesses!


The project is aimed at protecting the interests of European business, promoting the best European practices and technologies, and developing cooperation with Russian partners in the field of climate policy and improving the energy efficiency of production.

Join the telegram project channel https://t.me/AEBGreenInitiative for not missing anything and be always on the “Green Agenda”!


Also, don’t forget about International IPACS telegram channel: https://t.me/travel_study_IPACS

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