Pancake tasting for foreign students was held at IPACS RANEPA

March 3, 2023

On the eve of the traditional holiday, Maslenitsa, the International Cooperation Department, IPACS RANEPA prepared pancake tasting for foreign students from France: Nutari Martin and Grimaud Valentin Matilde Marie.

The event was held under the heading “Foreigners try”. Grimaud Valentine Matilde Marie, 2nd year student for the faculty of state and municipal administration in program “Politics and Law” (Russian-French program with in-depth study of foreign languages), and Nutari Marten, 2nd year student for the faculty of state and municipal administration in program Russia-Eurasia: political and economic processes, tried the famous dish of Russian cuisine – pancakes. Students tasted pancakes with grounded meat, salmon and condensed milk.

In addition, during the conversation, Martin and Valentina learned a lot about Russian culture, holidays, and history. After the event, French students shared their impressions.


Grimaud Valentin Mathilde Marie emphasized: “I especially liked the pancake with salmon. Red fish is one of my favorite foods. It was very unusual to try a combination of a rather sweet pancake dough and salted salmon with sour cream, which is probably why I remember the pancake with fish the most.”


Nutari Martin noted: “I have never tried anything similar to Russian pancakes, despite the fact that in many countries, and specifically in France, there is something similar. But Russian pancakes are much thinner and larger. Most of all I liked the pancake with condensed milk. I have a sweet tooth, so pancakes with meat and fish seemed good to me, but strange in taste.

At the end of the tasting, the French students talked about a similar dish in their national cuisine called crepe. During the shooting, they also actively talked about what other dishes they have in France, about their holidays and culture in general.

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