Political science and regional studies


Political culture and ideology

Phones: +7 (499) 956-91-20
Email: aspirantura-igsu@ranepa.ru



The content of the major “Political culture and ideology” is aimed at studying the essential, structural, procedural and communicative features of the formation and development of subjective (spiritual, ideological, non-institutional) phenomena in politics, primarily manifested in the functioning of ideological and cultural phenomena, trends in their evolution, features of influence  on the organization and administration of political power, the impact of spiritual components on the mass, group and individual behavior of citizens.

The objects of research are symbolic, ideological and cultural formations that determine the content of orientational-behavioral complexes of various political factors, the formation of multiple ideological structures that function in the political sphere and affect the organizational forms of political institutions and power relations.

The major assumes a broad outlook and knowledge of the scientific and methodological apparatus to ensure interdisciplinary connections and interdisciplinary research, the development and implementation of innovative scientific programs, including the provision of an ideocratic function by institutional and non-institutional means.

Competences and advantages


  • Willingness to study territorial-political systems, identify their semiotic features and ideological discourse, including political values ​​in human behavior, taking into account regional political subcultures, as well as the influence of political culture on individual, group and mass forms of practical and spiritual-intellectual activity of citizens.
  • The ability to identify and study models of ideology and propaganda, their place and role in the processes of mass political communication, articulation of regional political interests and the policy of transnational associations in the context of the development of political philosophy, religious-philosophical and socio-political systems and doctrines, including the mechanisms of their institutionalization, dynamics of civil and political institutions.
  • Ability to study the problem of the functioning of axiological complexes in the system of everyday consciousness, mechanisms and technologies of their transformation at the level of regional interethnic (interethnic) and interreligious (interfaith) processes, including participation in ensuring the ideocratic function of the state – civil and political institutions.


Information for enrollers

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