The Institute of Public Administration and Civil Service held a welcoming meeting for international students under the mobility programmes

February 15, 2022

On February 8, the International Cooperation Department of IPACS RANEPA and the students of the IPACS InterClub held a welcoming meeting for international students as part of the mobility programmes.

A creative and interactive programme was prepared for the meeting of international students. As part of the programme, the students were informed about the Academy’s infrastructure, extra-curricular activities and educational opportunities.

After the official part, members of the IPACS InterClub welcomed foreign students as members of the club and conducted an exciting quest around the Moscow campus of RANEPA.

At the end of the event, students were introduced to individual buddies for further adaptation and exchanged contacts.  Thanks to a wide network of international contacts, RANEPA students have a great opportunity not only to travel abroad, but also to meet international guests at RANEPA to gain new acquaintances and knowledge about the region of their specialisation.

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