

World economy

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The content of the major “World Economy” is the study of modern problems of the world economy, the patterns of internationalization and globalization of economic relations, mechanisms of their regulation at the national, regional and global levels, as well as the development of theory and methodology in these areas.



1. World economy, its structure, patterns, and current development trends.

2. Theories of the development of the world economy and international economic relations. Analysis and evaluation of modern concepts.

3. The international division of labor as a driving force for the development of production, investment, credit and financial, scientific and technical, trade and other world economic relations.

4. Internationalization of economic life. Globalization of economic activity, its factors, stages, directions, and forms. Interaction of regional integration and economic globalization.

5. Integration processes in developed and developing regions of the world economy, patterns of development of these processes, assessment of the integration prospects of various trade and economic blocs.

6. Consequences of globalization for developed and developing countries. The relationship between the world economic vanguard and the world periphery.

7. International economic interdependence. Ensuring sustainable development of the national and world economy. National economic development strategies.

8. Evolution of the world economic mechanism. Regulation of economic processes at the national and international levels. International coordination of economic policy. Preservation and transformation of economic sovereignty.

9. International economic organizations, their role in the regulation of the world economy. Russia’s participation in them.

10. Interaction between government and business at the national and international levels. The economic role of non-governmental organizations in the national and world economy.

11. Mechanisms for regulating international trade.

12. World monetary system, trends of its further evolution. Currency zones. World reserve and regional currencies.

13. Payment and settlement relations of countries, ensuring the equilibrium of their balances of payments and the problem of repayment of external debt.

14. The world stock market, its mechanisms and role in the development of individual countries and the world economy as a whole. Internationalization of stock exchanges.

15. International flows of loan capital, direct and portfolio investments, problems of their regulation at the national and supranational levels.

16. Methodological aspects of the functioning of the world economy. Development of the world general economic and commodity market.

17. The world market for goods and services: development trends, industry and corporate structure. Organization and technology of international trade.

18. Modern market strategies and their role in the development of international exchange. Methodological aspects of international competitiveness. Forms and methods of competition in various sectors of the world market.

19. International technology exchange and scientific and technical cooperation. International patenting, trade in licenses, know-how and other forms of realization of intellectual property.

20. Economic and social problems of international migration of labor, specialists, and scientists.

21. Development of the resource base of the world economy. Economic aspects of global problems – environmental, food, energy. World economic consequences of global processes, ways, and mechanisms of their solution.

22. Development of international transport infrastructure and telecommunications, their role in the internationalization of world economic relations.

23. The place and role of transnational corporations in the modern world economy, their interaction with the national economies of the home countries and host countries of their foreign branches.

24. International activities of banks, investment and insurance companies, pension funds and other financial institutions.

25. The national economy of individual countries in the system of world economic relations: the problem of optimizing interaction and ensuring national economic interests. International economic contradictions, their causes and methods of resolution.

26. Foreign economic interests of Russia in the world market and in relations with individual countries and groups of countries. Geo-economic problems of Russia, its strategic priorities and foreign economic prospects.

27. International and national economic security. Theoretical and methodological foundations for ensuring the foreign economic security of Russia.

28. Ways and forms of Russia’s integration into the system of world economic relations. Features of foreign economic activity at the level of enterprises, industries, and regions.

29. Russia’s participation in the international division of labor.  Formation and development prospects of export potential and import needs of the Russian economy. Opportunities for improving the international manufacturing specialization of Russia.

Competences and advantages


Within the framework of the profile “World Economy”, the study of modern problems of the world economy, the patterns of internationalization and globalization of economic relations, mechanisms of their regulation at the national, regional and global levels, as well as the development of theory and methodology in these areas is carried out.  The objects of this specialization are production, trade, monetary and financial, social, scientific and technical, environmental and other aspects of world economic processes and the subjects of these processes – transnational corporations, government structures, international governmental and non-governmental organizations that ensure the functioning of the world economy as an integral system.

Valery Kushlin

Valery Kushlin

Doctor of Economic Sciences. Professor. Honored Economist of the Russian Federation. Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences. Member of the International Academy of Informatization. Academician of the Academy of Management and Market. Vice-President of the Kondratyev International Fund. Vice President of the Forecasts and Cycles Association.
Head of Department of State Regulation of Economy. Chairman of the Dissertation Council .

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